Wednesday, February 15, 2023


I remember wearing
my grandmother's glasses
when I was a kid
it was like being 
on a rollercoaster ride
and then getting sick 
she was practically blind
or so I thought
that's when I realized
people see the world
through different sets of lenses
it may be a blur to you
but for them
their vision may be the 
clearest it's ever been
so we'll never see things
the same exact way
even if it's just slightly off
and that's okay
it's for their eyes only
but what if that vision 
doesn't turn out to be as
clear as we once thought
and we're now finding it
to focus on how
we see the world
just know that it won't
be as simple as ordering
a new pair of glasses
because keep in mind
they only help you
see what's there

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