Thursday, November 17, 2022

Ode to Shannon

When you've felt like a ghost
for as long as I have
you forget what it's like to be seen
or what it's like to live in a world
reminiscent of Old Hollywood
where nothing is transparent
and everyone appears content
with being glamoured
by headlines and tragedies
oh how I've yearned to find
a place with no name 
where I can start over 
rather than looking for a place
to bury all of these skeletons
who do they even belong to
I guess I'm still waiting for the 
universe to give me a sign
or maybe twenty-seven of them
just in case I miss one
here I thought my teens would
be the awkward years
it's definitely right now
kissing strangers doesn't seem
bad at all compared to
what I put myself through mentally
I'm feeling less like a ghost
and more like a lady on a wire
just trying to find balance

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