Monday, April 27, 2020

Dejando Ir

Sé que es fácil recordar
a la gente que te dejó
de hablar sin motivo
el enojo que sientes
de todas las falsas promesas
no puedes controlarlo
la decepción 
te hizo amargada
porque cuando necesitabas 
la ayuda de un amigo
o el apoyo de tu pareja
viste sus verdaderos rostros
tal vez todavía hay amargura
o quizás solo hay tristeza 
porque no sabes por qué
si buscas el cierre
mírate en el espejo
tienes que dejarlo ir
no busques explicaciones 
porque no es saludable
hicieron lo que era mejor para ellos
y tienes que hacer lo mismo
será difícil confiar en
otra persona por mucho tiempo
pero no pierdas la esperanza
tienes que creer
que vales la pena
y recordar quién eres

© 2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020


You may not believe this 
but it took a long time 
for me to be comfortable 
with my imperfections
everyone has them
others rarely ever notice them
but they're always on our minds 
people make assumptions
when they see a picture of me
or multiple pictures of me 
they think it's for attention
and maybe they're right
just not in the way they think 
because all the DMs 
the likes on social media
or even the compliments 
don't get my full attention
how I feel about myself
is what gets my full attention
and I've spent many years 
just trying to improve
so that when I take a picture 
I can see how I've grown 
or if I've regressed somehow
comfortable doesn't mean content
that's what I've learned
especially on days when 
I struggle with everyday life
these imperfections humble me 
and will make me better
you may not believe this 
but I most certainly do

© 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Érase Una Vez

Yo te envidiaba 
sé que nadie es perfecto
pero pensé que eras diferente
qué tonto yo fui
debería haber sabido mejor
escondiste bien la verdad
o tal vez
yo vi lo que quería ver
tu fachada
eras una hermosa ilusión
la forma en que me miraste
me sentí especial
yo te amé
pero no me amaste
y está bien
te deseo toda la felicidad
del mundo
si te veo de nuevo 
no te diré nada
pero nunca te olvidaré
mi hermosa ilusión


© 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social Distancing

Whether it's positive or negative
everyone seems to have an opinion 
on what's going on right now
we've all heard the noise
but while it's in me to be positive
I can't deny being a little discouraged
by all the negativity I'm hearing
so if I tell you that I'm sick
keep that same negative energy 
you had before you found out
because I don't want to be your reason 
for caring about everyone else
and everything that's going on 
don't delete those negative comments
you've made on social media
just because I can hardly breathe
and wake up with a fever every day
you said it wasn't that serious
because we've been through worse
so don't answer my messages now
when you've been ignoring them forever
I know I sound like someone's bitter ex
but I'm just scared more than anything
depression hides it well though
some people have died from this
and even though I've died before
that was before I wanted to live
when I welcomed the negativity
but I'm not that person anymore 
so if I tell you that I'm sick
I'll be keeping the same energy also
by staying far away from you 

© 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

No Hiding

It's obvious that you're hurting
you may have been able to hide
under the strobe lights 
in a crowd of people at the club
but all the clubs are closed
there's nobody around
and there are no strobe lights
there is only your light
peeking through the darkness
starving for attention
but you continue to ignore it
just like you've ignored the pain
not just the pain you've caused
but the pain you carry
I've been down this road 
that's why it's so obvious to me
you flood your social media
with positive affirmations
and relationship advice
then in the next breath
you're pandering to your followers
making light of your struggles
I did the same thing years ago
until I made a decision to grow
a decision for a healthier life
that's what I'm hoping for you
do you even want that for yourself
because you can't hide anymore
even when the club reopens 
the strobe lights come back on
and the crowds of people return
there's still no hiding from yourself

© 2020