Saturday, November 18, 2023

L.O.V.E. Notes: Volumes


The irony isn't lost on me
words mean very little 
yet I'm writing in hopes that
someone will listen to you
and keep their sorrys
in favor of changed behavior
because they've made it
nearly impossible to be trusted
with words alone
especially when the actions
fail to support what was said


I've always been told
actions speak louder than words
which means that 
giving someone a pass
because you love them
is also an action
one they've taken advantage of
too many times to count
even if you didn't see it as
giving someone a pass
but instead trusting them
maybe you didn't trust yourself
when that person revealed 
their true intentions to you
maybe you didn't want to


It's easy to forget that we
decide if words matter
and if actions make an impact
whether it's the act of speaking
or the act of doing
I guess the saying is true after all 
actions speak louder than words
the irony isn't lost on me
so ask yourself this
which action speaks volumes
and which one will you listen to


© 2023

Thursday, September 21, 2023


I know you're exhausted 
and more times than not
you feel defeated 
emotionally drained
there was a time when
you would suffer in silence
unmotivated to do anything
but you've kept busy
as best as one can
it's hard to forget the pain
even harder to forget
those who helped cause it
you gave so much of yourself
as you always do
only for those to prove
that they didn't deserve you
now they're watching
hoping to see you break down
returning to that person
who once suffered in silence
unmotivated to do anything
they've come to see the show
but I know what you're made of
so let them keep watching
and get ready for the 
performance of a lifetime
they'll still never deserve you
but they do need to see this

© 2023

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

L.O.V.E. Notes: The Little Things

I remember your spaghetti
you knew it was my favorite
we would sit at the table
and have dinner together
I didn't know it at the time
but you were allergic to tomatoes
so why would you keep eating
and risking your health 
because you didn't want me
having dinner alone
you knew it was favorite
but truth be told grandmother
you were my favorite


© 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023


Cuando se olvidan de ti
qué vas a hacer
lo único que puedes hacer
recuerda quien eres
y quien quieres ser
tal vez descubras que
eres más fuerte sola
o con alguien que te aprecia
porque esas personas
que se olvidaron de ti
nunca te apreciaron
ahora que lo pienso 
quizás nunca te conocieron 

© 2023

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


I remember wearing
my grandmother's glasses
when I was a kid
it was like being 
on a rollercoaster ride
and then getting sick 
she was practically blind
or so I thought
that's when I realized
people see the world
through different sets of lenses
it may be a blur to you
but for them
their vision may be the 
clearest it's ever been
so we'll never see things
the same exact way
even if it's just slightly off
and that's okay
it's for their eyes only
but what if that vision 
doesn't turn out to be as
clear as we once thought
and we're now finding it
to focus on how
we see the world
just know that it won't
be as simple as ordering
a new pair of glasses
because keep in mind
they only help you
see what's there

© 2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023

L.O.V.E. Notes: Hide-and-Seek

I used to think
the best way to 
see someone 
was at a distance
but I was wrong
you don't need 
to see anyone
except your own
people show you 
what they want
you to see
and sometimes
you see 
what they
don't want you 
to know
it doesn't matter
trust me
but I do wonder
what are we hiding
from ourselves
if anything
and what do we see
when we look
at our own reflection
it should be greatness


© 2023

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Poder Curativo

Tenemos poder
pero por alguna razón 
vivimos en temor 
la pregunta es
tenemos miedo de fallar
o tener éxito
cuántos años te has dicho
que no eres suficiente 
en mi caso
yo entiendo el daño
que hacen las palabras 
cuando son tuyas 
tenemos que ser mejor
más amables con
nosotros mismos
a veces pensamos lo peor
y esos pensamientos
nos traicionan
porque tenemos poder
la pregunta es
qué vamos a hacer
con ese poder
espero que podamos curar
por una vez
la responsabilidad 
es nuestra 
y de nadie más

© 2023

Thursday, January 5, 2023

L.O.V.E. Notes: Mindset

At some point
those lessons learned
have to mean something
potential must be realized 
otherwise what's the point
I know about potential
and the biggest mistake
you can ever make 
is believing that time
has run out on realizing
that potential 
as long as you're here
you're capable 
so ask yourself
what more could you ask for
at some point
those lessons learned
have to mean something
I hope it means
you finally believe
in your ability 
to be your best self
no matter the stakes
because if you don't
potential will only be
something you know about
never something you reach


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