Wednesday, June 12, 2019

L.O.V.E. Notes: Villain II

You'll always be someone's villain 
I wrote that in a poem a year ago
and it still rings true to this day
I just didn't know how true it was
but it's easy to forget that while
you're writing your own story 
someone else has their own version
and with their perception of you
that narrative becomes their reality
but I'm not just someone's villain
I'm also someone's hero
even though I never asked to be
I said there were no more heroes 
but I guess I was wrong about that
I didn't want to be either one
so I shied away from both
that's why I pray sometimes
in hopes that who I am is enough
maybe I should've embraced it
because you can't control 
what people choose to believe
their minds are made up already
don't worry about if you're the villain 
and don't worry about being a hero
just embrace being who you are
that's the only narrative that matters


© 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019


I don't want the dust to settle
because when it does
I know I'll be the only one here
much like I am right now
I'd much rather remain hidden
from the rest of the world
that wasn't always the case
as I wanted nothing more 
than for someone to see me
for the person I truly am
but things are different now
when the dust settles 
I don't know the condition I'll be in
with everything I've been through
everything I've done to survive
part of me still cares 
how I look to a world 
that rejected me
while continuing to ignore others
so let the wind keep blowing
I don't mind it so much anymore 
camouflage my shame
protect me from anyone who 
wishes to do me harm
or me from harming anyone else
I don't want the dust to settle
the dust is my disguise 
at least until the war is over 

© 2019