Friday, October 28, 2016

On The Outside

He yells at her constantly 
tells her that she's nothing 
and for her not to go anywhere 
until he gets back
nobody wants to see your ugly face 
at least that's what he tells her 
so she's trapped 
not really trapped 
but she believes that she is 
and that makes her seem weak 
listening to him more 
rather than trusting herself most 
now she just wants out 
she doesn't care what's out there 
because the horror that awaits 
doesn't compare to the horror 
she experiences on a day to day 
not just physically 
look what it's done to her mentally 
and emotionally as well 
he tells her she won't survive without him
when it's all she's been doing 
but surviving won't be enough for her
she's ready to live 

© 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Seclusion Haiku

You won't be able 
to hide your beauty from the
world for much longer.

© 2016 

Permanent Haiku

Hold the one you love
so tight that you become a
part of their tattoo.

© 2016 


Where did your smile go
it's the question most asked 
still to this day 
does anyone ever ask what happened 
not anymore 
they rather assume the worst 
maybe they caught you at a bad time
that's been happening a lot lately 
at least when they're around it has
so what does that tell you 
that they're somehow responsible 
or maybe partially responsible 
you shouldn't give them any credit 
no one should have power over you
especially when it comes to your smile
maybe they're not to blame 
but they're not helping matters any
sometimes those asking the most 
are the least supportive 
they don't care what happened 
or if you'll ever smile again 
that's why it's so easy to blame them
it's because of what they represent 
those unworthy of ever seeing you smile 

© 2016 

Monday, October 17, 2016


No debes tener que mendigar a nadie 
pero te encuentras mendigando 
mendigando para su tiempo 
y su energía 
sabes que es un signo de debilidad
pero te pones debil 
cuando piensas en cierta gente  
a veces puedes sentir tu corazón
llorando por ellos 
eres más fuerte que eso
asi que tratas de lucharlo 
y sigues luchándolo 
pero cada día es un desafío 
ellos te ignoran
más que hacían antes 
sin alguna explicación por qué 
tal vez es mejor así 
porque si ellos te ignoran 
y tienes que mendigar atención 
no saben tu valía 
asi que hazte un favor 
y deja de mendigar
no debes tener que mendigar a nadie 
mereces mejor que eso 

© 2016 

Fed Up

I don't speak for her
but I've listened very carefully 
so I know that look
when you're fed up with how things are 
and she has been for a while now
certain things keep getting overlooked 
the disrespect of black women 
of all women really 
by way of domestic violence 
sexual assault 
and all forms of discrimination 
it's hard to maintain your sanity 
when you're surrounded by ignorance 
and hatred disguised as indifference 
therefore allowing disrespect to be justified 
she's fed up 
and it seems like she's the only one 
maybe because in those moments 
where she must get some rest 
or at the very least 
try to catch her breath 
very few are stepping up 
to show how fed up they really are 
and it's not just the men either 

© 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016

L.O.V.E. Notes: Control

Your demons aren't expecting you to fight them
and that gives you a distinct advantage
but if you choose to embrace them
you better know if you can control them
because they won't hesitate to control you
taking every bit of energy you have
and using it to destroy everything you love
until you're all that's left standing
they'll never destroy your vessel
but they want you to forget who you are
they want you to forget how strong you are
for if you were to remember these things
you'd realize that you never needed them
and that they've always needed you
demons are no different than parasites
they attach themselves to the strongest hosts
remember that you're stronger than they are
in every way that makes you who you are
there's nothing you haven't been through
but if you choose to embrace them
you better know if you can control them
because fighting for possession
is a battle that very few win
and a war that so many like you lose

© 2016