Monday, September 28, 2020


Here we go again
another failure 
I'm so tired of fighting 
look where it's gotten me
on the losing end
hurting the ones I love
and hurting myself
so many nights I cried
praying to be normal 
whatever normal is
I had a plan 
but I always have a plan
and I never tell anyone
until I'm ready to execute it
that's always my mistake
I either say the right things
at the wrong times
or I say nothing at all
now I have so much to say
the truth is painful
maybe it's what I deserve
history tells us 
those who don't learn 
are doomed to repeat it
when you learn nothing
you lose everything
so when will I learn
because it's always me
never anyone else
I'm so tired of fighting 
beating myself up so badly
that I can barely stand

© 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Memory

It's been months
since I've seen her
and it hurts 
but what hurts more
is knowing that
she won't remember
who I am to her
for twenty-five years 
she raised me
took me everywhere
and showed me
what it meant to love
but it hurts to know
I'm just a memory
she no longer has
being forgotten hurts
especially when 
you're unable to forget
that's been my entire life
with the ones I love
and it makes me sad
but I'm grateful
for the memories
grateful for the time
she gave me
it was her choice
but she made it 
her responsibility
when she didn't have to
now it's my responsibility 
to hold on to the 
memories for us both


© 2020