Saturday, April 29, 2017


Not everyone deserves to see it
but you owe it to yourself to do it
especially when you're not sure
if you even have the strength to do it
that's the best time to show it off
no matter what's going on
life isn't always going to go your way
but it's still amazing
and it's even more amazing
if you're smiling through it all
so whenever you decide to smile 
we'll all be waiting
I know I will be
praying just to catch a glimpse of it
not everyone deserves to see it
but if it's bright enough
and we know it will be 
we'll get a chance to witness
something absolutely breathtaking
I'm smiling just thinking about it

© 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017

L.O.V.E. Notes: GPS

The first time I found you 
I didn't need a map 
as long as I had my heart 
it would beat faster and faster 
the closer I got to you
so I'll always know where you are 
but just in case I lose you
or my heart were to stop
I'll would follow the light 
no map 
just the light 
that's all I need
and I promise 
I'll find you again


© 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sit Down

Some of us will never be as successful  
as we want to be 
or like we're supposed to be 
and we have ourselves to blame for that 
because when we were talking 
we should've been listening 
providing positive energy 
rather than playing politics 
we then chose to be arrogant 
instead of showing our appreciation 
but apparently being humble is beneath us 
perhaps we should just sit down
and think about how we became so vain
when we used to be so ambitious 
and so hungry for knowledge 
but now we believe we know it all 
we're so matter-of-fact about everything 
that eagerness to learn is gone
and only the ego remains 
maybe pride truly does come before the fall
really all of us should be thriving 
but that's not going to happen 
so long as we're happy just having potential 
and no longer sad about wasting it

© 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017

La Idea De Ti

Cuando tu lloras
tus ojos se hinchan
lágrimas fluyen por tu cara
o caen de tus pestañas
de cualquier manera
están expuestos
y para qué
una idea que tuviste
todo estuvo bien
hasta que tuviste esa idea
aunque no fue una mala idea
una persona hizo toda la diferencia 
él era lindo al principio
luchando tan duro por tu atención
así que te lo diste
y en el proceso
perdiste el foco
él no era quien pensabas que era
o quien esperabas que fuera
mientras compartías tus sueños
él estaba ayudando a destruirlos
como si todo fuera parte de su plan
así que aunque no fue una mala idea
deberías haberlo guardado 
y salvado tus lágrimas
no dejes que nadie arruine tu maquillaje

© 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Light Suffering

I know our situations are different 
but I remember being so much like you
caring what others thought of me 
doing what they wanted me to do 
hoping that it made them happy
while I sacrificed my own happiness 
nobody cared about that though 
sure they asked me what I wanted 
but they would never listen anyway 
so I just kept my dreams to myself 
and smiled through the pain like always 
even when it was too painful to smile 
it's like you want to share things 
but nobody seems interested 
how many of them really know you 
or can feel you crying from the inside 
as you tell them that everything's fine
everything's not fine 
you can't keep pretending that it is 
I know you think you're doing the right thing 
but as that fire continues to burn 
it's only a matter of time 
before it takes over completely 
so maybe you should let it
while you still have a choice

© 2017

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Ever After

Was that really the last time 
do you even remember 
maybe it has been that long 
or is the memory so fresh in your mind 
that it hurts to even think about it
you've tried not to think about it 
but you miss it so much 
that feeling of being truly happy 
and knowing what it's like 
to smile every single day 
regardless of what's going on 
you don't have that anymore 
not right now at least 
even smiling isn't what it used to be 
you just feel numb 
while also feeling empty 
it's very unbecoming 
but it's only temporary 
which is why you choose to remember 
the person you once were 
so that you don't give up on yourself 
and forget what it was like
to know happiness 
because you will be happy again

© 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Look Before You Haiku

Sometimes I wonder
if it would've been better
to check outside first.

© 2017


Say what's on your mind
there's no reason to be embarrassed
for being who you truly are
no reason to be silent
or afraid of what others may think 
the world doesn't seem to care anyway
it's time for you to speak into existence
every dream you've ever had
and every goal you've ever wanted to reach
whether people laugh at you
or stand by your side
the universe is listening
it has been for a very long time
but you've always felt inferior
when expressing your feelings
so you've kept them to yourself
trying so hard not to sound foolish
but what good has that done
are you closer to any of those dreams
how about those goals
if you want to universe to respond
say what's on your mind
and use every bit of energy you manifest
to make those words come to fruition

© 2017