Saturday, January 16, 2021

Just Like (Ever After II)

You used to believe
just like I did
maybe you still do
and there's a part
of you that hopes things 
will be better next time
but maybe there's another
part of you that knows
what happened last time
could happen again
that's what scares me
because I was unworthy
and I had the opportunity
to live happily ever after
only to cause her pain
I never meant for her to feel
just like he did to you
maybe he didn't value himself
enough to know your worth
so I wouldn't blame you 
if you didn't try again
but you deserve it
your happily ever after
just like she does
that's why she chose herself
and I now sit alone
if there's any part of you 
that still believes 
choose yourself first
but don't it could cost you 
everything you've ever loved
just like it did me

© 2021