Sunday, July 20, 2014

Like A Tattoo

Who remembers being called a weirdo
we probably never considered ourselves weird though
but it seemed like when anyone called us weird 
we were the ones most feared
it wasn't that people were scared of us
more like a fear of being compared to us
or even being paired with us
because most believed that it was contagious 
the mere thought of that was completely outrageous
no wonder that when I was younger
I looked for a rock to crawl under
but if only I could've worn the pain like a tattoo
there was already so much I was going through
I had to deal with being bullied too
but I do remember looking up the definition of weird 
and do you know what I found weird
there was nothing negative about the word
so we all should forget the negative things we've heard
besides all along they were been using the word wrong
even today's society doesn't see my sister as strong
but will be quick to call her weird for having tattoos
and me weird for not having them like that's news
but what we've both learned about pain is how to endure
so never again will we be baited by a bully's lure

© 2014

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