Rise above that darkness you find comfort in
treat darkness like the Comfort Inn
don't stay long
stay strong through it all
even if it feels as though you've been through it all
because what if you haven't just yet
what if you never faced your fears until now
which means you've just met
and you now see what blinds you
could you escape what binds you
of course you could
just be careful not to let pride and ego define you
because they'll have you saying you're fine too
when you're really not
when really your stomach's in knots
probably from the stress
so then you take a sedative
and then another
and then another
until it gets repetitive
but you're still a mess
you've always needed help to stay down
yet this time you seem almost willing to stay down
it's very concerning
considering that fire that's still burning inside you
do you really expect the darkness to hide you
with your light being that bright
maybe there's enough in you for one more fight
unless you just like blowing smoke
just know that playing with fire is no joke
© 2014

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