So I had this other thought that my friend wanted me to share and too bad if some of you don't like it.
I call this picture the Bermuda Triangle. For many years, this was me; holding on to someone that wasn't good for me. I felt so lost. To all the single men/women out here wondering where their potential soulmate is, here they are sabotaging themselves and missing out on you. I see this more and more each day, but this is just an example. I'll use another one. Your job tells you that you will be promoted, but they lie just to keep you there. Meanwhile, they've either promoted someone else or no one else. Some of us are afraid to let go of things that are no good for us and that causes us to miss out. We get too comfortable with what we think it ours that we miss what really was ours. I don't know about you, but I'm done being someone's host. Hosts can make it on their own. We just have to know that we can and stop feeding what's hurting us. WE'RE NOT LOST! WE'RE FREE TO LEAVE AT ANYTIME!!
Life Only Values Effort <3
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
The Past
I woke up with two thoughts and I just wanted to share one with you right now.
How many of us are ready to finally make peace with the past? I'm not talking to those of us who just keep going pretending like nothing ever happened; I'm talking to those willing to make peace. That saying about the "past coming back to haunt you" is only true because we choose not to make peace with it. Things could be going great and then here comes your past to cause drama. Things could be going terrible because of things from your past. Stop waiting for closure and close the door on your past. Stop waiting for peace and make peace with your past. Realize that by making peace with your past you'll be at peace with yourself and just thinking about that should make you smile :D
Life Only Values Effort <3
How many of us are ready to finally make peace with the past? I'm not talking to those of us who just keep going pretending like nothing ever happened; I'm talking to those willing to make peace. That saying about the "past coming back to haunt you" is only true because we choose not to make peace with it. Things could be going great and then here comes your past to cause drama. Things could be going terrible because of things from your past. Stop waiting for closure and close the door on your past. Stop waiting for peace and make peace with your past. Realize that by making peace with your past you'll be at peace with yourself and just thinking about that should make you smile :D
Life Only Values Effort <3
Friday, March 28, 2014
I'm not sure
if before I met you
I was a ten
but I'm sure
that I can't let you
in my heart again
not again
see the last time
you treated me like a zero
made me feel low
so that's the last time
I need you to be a hero
because it's all a show
you were the one who
I would run to
but I was dumb
so now I see you
as the one
that I now run from
I'm done
because while you laugh
I'm fine
I may not be a nine and a half
or even a nine
still I'm fine with that
nobody's perfect
but in fact
somebody's perfect for me
because somebody's worth it
and that somebody is me
so if I'm not a ten
what am I then
© 2014
if before I met you
I was a ten
but I'm sure
that I can't let you
in my heart again
not again
see the last time
you treated me like a zero
made me feel low
so that's the last time
I need you to be a hero
because it's all a show
you were the one who
I would run to
but I was dumb
so now I see you
as the one
that I now run from
I'm done
because while you laugh
I'm fine
I may not be a nine and a half
or even a nine
still I'm fine with that
nobody's perfect
but in fact
somebody's perfect for me
because somebody's worth it
and that somebody is me
so if I'm not a ten
what am I then
© 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
The People
I wanted to share something on my heart right now.
Maybe it's just me, but have you ever looked at the people that sleep on you and just scratch your head? Do you ever just ask yourself why? How can they sleep on me with everything I have to offer? If you've done that before or you're doing it right now, STOP IT!!!! Self doubt is not something you need right now. Self doubt leads to self sabotage and self sabotage leads to self destruction. Instead of watching them sleep hoping they wake up, how about we get up and do what we said we were going to do before we cared what they thought of us! With that being said, let them continue to sleep on you; they must be so exhausted. Eventually they'll wake up to the sound of laughter. When they ask you what's going on, tell them it's nothing important just enjoyment from exceeding their expectations! Then tell them to go back to sleep ;)
Life Only Values Effort <3
Maybe it's just me, but have you ever looked at the people that sleep on you and just scratch your head? Do you ever just ask yourself why? How can they sleep on me with everything I have to offer? If you've done that before or you're doing it right now, STOP IT!!!! Self doubt is not something you need right now. Self doubt leads to self sabotage and self sabotage leads to self destruction. Instead of watching them sleep hoping they wake up, how about we get up and do what we said we were going to do before we cared what they thought of us! With that being said, let them continue to sleep on you; they must be so exhausted. Eventually they'll wake up to the sound of laughter. When they ask you what's going on, tell them it's nothing important just enjoyment from exceeding their expectations! Then tell them to go back to sleep ;)
Life Only Values Effort <3
Blood On My Hands
I told everyone I was fine
when in reality the blood is mine
but still nobody understands
why I have blood on my hands
I'm my own worst enemy
it's like there's ten of me
all trying to destroy
everything that I enjoy
especially my sanity
right now I'm not even a fan of me
but still nobody understands
why I have blood on my hands
I recognize the stupid things I've done
more so than the battles I've won
how long will I keep making mistakes
my guess is for as long as it takes
I've chosen to embrace my flaws
and fight in the name of cause
but still nobody understands
why I have blood on my hands
what would you sacrifice today
to keep your dreams from fading away
I'm willing to do what's necessary
to leave a legacy nothing short of legendary
© 2014
when in reality the blood is mine
but still nobody understands
why I have blood on my hands
I'm my own worst enemy
it's like there's ten of me
all trying to destroy
everything that I enjoy
especially my sanity
right now I'm not even a fan of me
but still nobody understands
why I have blood on my hands
I recognize the stupid things I've done
more so than the battles I've won
how long will I keep making mistakes
my guess is for as long as it takes
I've chosen to embrace my flaws
and fight in the name of cause
but still nobody understands
why I have blood on my hands
what would you sacrifice today
to keep your dreams from fading away
I'm willing to do what's necessary
to leave a legacy nothing short of legendary
© 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The Life
I want to share my thoughts with all of you.
I have no fear of dying, but I will die before my time. We already live a very short life and if we do not take care of ourselves, we will suffer the consequences of our actions. We must understand that our health reflects our lifestyle. We're killing ourselves faster if we have a negative lifestyle (negative people, anxiety, stress, etc..). If we have a positive lifestyle we have the opportunity to maintain balance and to live much longer. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, but we have this day. With that being said, what are we going to do today? We better get up, because we're not dead yet ;)
Life Only Values Effort <3
I have no fear of dying, but I will die before my time. We already live a very short life and if we do not take care of ourselves, we will suffer the consequences of our actions. We must understand that our health reflects our lifestyle. We're killing ourselves faster if we have a negative lifestyle (negative people, anxiety, stress, etc..). If we have a positive lifestyle we have the opportunity to maintain balance and to live much longer. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, but we have this day. With that being said, what are we going to do today? We better get up, because we're not dead yet ;)
Life Only Values Effort <3
I've Got Something To Say
I was once known as the Spirit of Truth
looking to inspire the spirit of our youth
but I've since left the booth
still with the mic in my hands
and even though hip-hop's in good hands
it's all in a state of mind
so in my current mind state
I still find time
to stimulate the mind
of someone who isn't blind
but may need help to see
their own vision
then they can envision
the person they hope to be
the person they know they can be
that's what we're here for
so they need to hear more
because living in a world of allure
that acts as a lure reeling you in
it's real easy to catch feelings again
only to be cast out like an outcast
so yes they do need to hear more
because I don't fear they'll soar
I expect it
others choose not to respect it
refusing to cease from spreading disease
at least until we're all deceased
but see I'm nothing to mess with
I'll keep spreading the message
even to those who are infected
because truth is we're all connected
which means we're all affected
© 2014
looking to inspire the spirit of our youth
but I've since left the booth
still with the mic in my hands
and even though hip-hop's in good hands
it's all in a state of mind
so in my current mind state
I still find time
to stimulate the mind
of someone who isn't blind
but may need help to see
their own vision
then they can envision
the person they hope to be
the person they know they can be
that's what we're here for
so they need to hear more
because living in a world of allure
that acts as a lure reeling you in
it's real easy to catch feelings again
only to be cast out like an outcast
so yes they do need to hear more
because I don't fear they'll soar
I expect it
others choose not to respect it
refusing to cease from spreading disease
at least until we're all deceased
but see I'm nothing to mess with
I'll keep spreading the message
even to those who are infected
because truth is we're all connected
which means we're all affected
© 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Story Of Your Life
People may look at you and laugh
but you've been down that path
so you know exactly where it leads
to unfulfilled needs and disappointment
where if you feel alone in this
well that's just the loneliness
when you fail to accept patience
here come the failed expectations
afterwards you show some doubt
or basically fear of who you're all about
then finally you have self-sabotage
believing that everything you see
is nothing more than a mirage
thus destroying the person you hoped to be
you know disappointment very well
so maybe you've been appointed
by someone of great importance
to be the ointment
that helps anoint the disappointed
but they don't think you're that important
they probably think your failures
are really failures
and that's when they really fail
because those "failures"
can help someone else prevail
and derail their train of negativity
which is on a collision course by the way
but of course they can't envision this anyway
they don't think you're that important
then why you are here
the answer couldn't be more clear
© 2014

but you've been down that path
so you know exactly where it leads
to unfulfilled needs and disappointment
where if you feel alone in this
well that's just the loneliness
when you fail to accept patience
here come the failed expectations
afterwards you show some doubt
or basically fear of who you're all about
then finally you have self-sabotage
believing that everything you see
is nothing more than a mirage
thus destroying the person you hoped to be
you know disappointment very well
so maybe you've been appointed
by someone of great importance
to be the ointment
that helps anoint the disappointed
but they don't think you're that important
they probably think your failures
are really failures
and that's when they really fail
because those "failures"
can help someone else prevail
and derail their train of negativity
which is on a collision course by the way
but of course they can't envision this anyway
they don't think you're that important
then why you are here
the answer couldn't be more clear
© 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
The Stalker
For those of you who just have to know...
THIS is who's been on the Internet talking trash about you, stalking your Facebook posts, following you on Twitter, and checking out your Instagram. Forget about who you thought is was or who you know it is, THIS is who it really is. Now, don't you feel better? Feel free to laugh amongst yourselves or makes jokes that are less than PG, but please continue to enjoy Life! You've got more goals to accomplish :)
Life Only Values Effort <3
THIS is who's been on the Internet talking trash about you, stalking your Facebook posts, following you on Twitter, and checking out your Instagram. Forget about who you thought is was or who you know it is, THIS is who it really is. Now, don't you feel better? Feel free to laugh amongst yourselves or makes jokes that are less than PG, but please continue to enjoy Life! You've got more goals to accomplish :)
Life Only Values Effort <3
They say it's when life begins
and when life begins again
so if you think your life is ending
realize that it's just beginning
burn every intention into your being
so that everything you're seeing
you can make happen
because that gives life meaning
and if you do any cleaning
anything that stresses you
or anything depressing
keeping you from your blessing
should be thrown out
if it's a person
they should be shown out
let them know
that it's time to let them go
and it's time for you to grow
because you planted the seed
so you'll need to take the lead
when it blooms
but if you want to take way the pain
remove the chains you were bound to
because the Sun has finally found you
© 2014
and when life begins again
so if you think your life is ending
realize that it's just beginning
burn every intention into your being
so that everything you're seeing
you can make happen
because that gives life meaning
and if you do any cleaning
anything that stresses you
or anything depressing
keeping you from your blessing
should be thrown out
if it's a person
they should be shown out
let them know
that it's time to let them go
and it's time for you to grow
because you planted the seed
so you'll need to take the lead
when it blooms
but if you want to take way the pain
remove the chains you were bound to
because the Sun has finally found you
© 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
L.O.V.E. Notes: The Tear
Some of us still shed a tear
for someone who won't even
bother to look us in the eyes
understand that those tears
can take on two different meanings
either it's our way of releasing
the feelings we have for that person
or it's shows just how much power
they truly have over us
do we even know which it is
there's nothing wrong with crying
but haven't we wasted enough time
whomever our tears are for
is still out there chasing their dreams
maybe they're trying not to cry
but we can't worry about that
we've had our moments
now it's time to test our resolve
the next tear better be of joy
for the blessings we've worked
so hard to receive
those you've cried for
will have no choice
but to take notice of that
© 2014
for someone who won't even
bother to look us in the eyes
understand that those tears
can take on two different meanings
either it's our way of releasing
the feelings we have for that person
or it's shows just how much power
they truly have over us
do we even know which it is
there's nothing wrong with crying
but haven't we wasted enough time
whomever our tears are for
is still out there chasing their dreams
maybe they're trying not to cry
but we can't worry about that
we've had our moments
now it's time to test our resolve
the next tear better be of joy
for the blessings we've worked
so hard to receive
those you've cried for
will have no choice
but to take notice of that
© 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
You Have No Idea
Every scar tells a story
so if the details are too gory
maybe you shouldn't listen
or just forget what you've read
these scars weren't always scars
see these scars once bled
and oh how the blood would flow
but if you still don't want to know
that's your decision
just don't act as though you care
when someone chooses to share
while hoping that somewhere
somebody is listening
it's not for everyone's ears
but not everyone fears judgement
not everyone's afraid to be
what their scars made them see
not everyone's afraid to admit
that while they didn't quit
or give up hope
they had to find ways to cope
through their slippery slope
so don't pretend to know who they are
there's a story for every scar
© 2014
so if the details are too gory
maybe you shouldn't listen
or just forget what you've read
these scars weren't always scars
see these scars once bled
and oh how the blood would flow
but if you still don't want to know
that's your decision
just don't act as though you care
when someone chooses to share
while hoping that somewhere
somebody is listening
it's not for everyone's ears
but not everyone fears judgement
not everyone's afraid to be
what their scars made them see
not everyone's afraid to admit
that while they didn't quit
or give up hope
they had to find ways to cope
through their slippery slope
so don't pretend to know who they are
there's a story for every scar
© 2014
The Path
I hope someone reads this.
Not everyone will understand the path you chose or why you're choosing to walk that path a certain way. That's why you're walking it and not them. You may not understand fully what you're doing on this path, but you feel better knowing that it's not the path you were on before. You were lost and now you may be wandering, but it's okay to wander as long as you can visualize where you want to go. What you're doing takes great courage; something your critics know very little about. You will be rewarded for your obedience and that reward will come in the form of success. Then maybe your story will help provide others the understanding and courage to find their way.
Life Only Values Effort <3
Not everyone will understand the path you chose or why you're choosing to walk that path a certain way. That's why you're walking it and not them. You may not understand fully what you're doing on this path, but you feel better knowing that it's not the path you were on before. You were lost and now you may be wandering, but it's okay to wander as long as you can visualize where you want to go. What you're doing takes great courage; something your critics know very little about. You will be rewarded for your obedience and that reward will come in the form of success. Then maybe your story will help provide others the understanding and courage to find their way.
Life Only Values Effort <3
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Get Up
This is a familiar position
you were in a similar position
the day before
now today your back for more
and your disposition shows
that this position
is beating you into submission
I'm just saying
have you been praying
or are you into wishing
because you don't need intuition
to know that something is wrong
it's a blessing you've lasted this long
you claim to be strong
even in defeat
but then the smoke clears
revealing your tears
and that song on repeat
so on your feet
because your greatest feat
will be your ability to withstand the attrition
and go from sinking in quicksand
to a standing position
you can do it on own too
but you have to stand on your own two
no pills
no alcoholic beverage
no one to use for leverage
just you
that path leads somewhere
but you'll never know where
from where you're sitting
© 2014
you were in a similar position
the day before
now today your back for more
and your disposition shows
that this position
is beating you into submission
I'm just saying
have you been praying
or are you into wishing
because you don't need intuition
to know that something is wrong
it's a blessing you've lasted this long
you claim to be strong
even in defeat
but then the smoke clears
revealing your tears
and that song on repeat
so on your feet
because your greatest feat
will be your ability to withstand the attrition
and go from sinking in quicksand
to a standing position
you can do it on own too
but you have to stand on your own two
no pills
no alcoholic beverage
no one to use for leverage
just you
that path leads somewhere
but you'll never know where
from where you're sitting
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Ode To Panic Attacks (Featuring Anxiety Attacks)
They say what doesn't kill you
makes you stronger
but you do a good job
of making the pain last longer
giving me a chance to kill myself
you also do your very best
to give me as little rest as possible
so while you're an option
you're also an obstacle
an obstacle I must overcome
because sometimes I just need to vent
instead I hyperventilate
then it's too late
you appear
ever so anxious to take advantage
of my anxiety
that much is clear
but I don't want you here
even if you think I need you
I don't need your here either
I don't need your here either
what I need is peace
what I need is for you to cease
cease and desist
before I cease to exist
I'm a living being
who enjoys being alive
with a will to survive
so I can no longer be your slave
and continue to take this abuse
I must be brave
because if I let you have my soul
that is when I loose myself
that is when I loose complete control
© 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Get Ready
I know what it's like
not to be taken seriously
I showed people the serious me
then they would ask me
why so serious
it made me so furious
now you're being taken for granted
and you can't stand it
it's like there's no way out
so you feel stranded
because nobody cared to ask you
what's the matter
when the fact of the matter is
it doesn't matter what they think
because if this is sink or swim
listening to them
could cause you to drown
especially if you decide to wear a frown
instead of that smile that kept you afloat
without ever needing a boat
I know what it's like
really I do
but it starts with you
so get ready to start anew
© 2014
not to be taken seriously
I showed people the serious me
then they would ask me
why so serious
it made me so furious
now you're being taken for granted
and you can't stand it
it's like there's no way out
so you feel stranded
because nobody cared to ask you
what's the matter
when the fact of the matter is
it doesn't matter what they think
because if this is sink or swim
listening to them
could cause you to drown
especially if you decide to wear a frown
instead of that smile that kept you afloat
without ever needing a boat
I know what it's like
really I do
but it starts with you
so get ready to start anew
© 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Workout (The Power Of Choice)
Even if it seems difficult to get up
don't you dare give up
how do you expect to live up
to your expectations
if you won't accept patience
like a hospital that won't accept patients
that doesn't make any sense
especially since you wanted change
did you change your mind
or just forget to change your mindset
remember you can do anything
you set your mind to
but you have to set your mind to change
when you train
because if you're always complaining
there will be no need for training
you wouldn't need it
when your attitude's defeatist
you would already defeat yourself mentally
fear would cause you to do that intentionally
but that's not you
and that's not who you are inside
so set your pride to the side
then find the strength to survive
even if it seems difficult to get up
don't you dare give up
because that moment when it hurts
that's when you should feel the most alive
© 2014
don't you dare give up
how do you expect to live up
to your expectations
if you won't accept patience
like a hospital that won't accept patients
that doesn't make any sense
especially since you wanted change
did you change your mind
or just forget to change your mindset
remember you can do anything
you set your mind to
but you have to set your mind to change
when you train
because if you're always complaining
there will be no need for training
you wouldn't need it
when your attitude's defeatist
you would already defeat yourself mentally
fear would cause you to do that intentionally
but that's not you
and that's not who you are inside
so set your pride to the side
then find the strength to survive
even if it seems difficult to get up
don't you dare give up
because that moment when it hurts
that's when you should feel the most alive
© 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Fools Rush In
All that glitters isn't gold
yet so many souls have been sold
and for what
for fame
so we can mention their name
because they want to be heard
anyone else find that ironic
because they haven't uttered a word
well not any word that's made since
not since selling their souls
just to achieve their goals
but they saw gold
and a golden opportunity to turn cold
so how are we the turncoats
because we were always there
now they're blinded by the glare
so we're to care more about who they are
and care less about who they were
that's fine
if that's what they want
all this for a chance to shine
just because they saw gold
when all we saw was their soul
now there's a hole where their soul should be
© 2014
yet so many souls have been sold
and for what
for fame
so we can mention their name
because they want to be heard
anyone else find that ironic
because they haven't uttered a word
well not any word that's made since
not since selling their souls
just to achieve their goals
but they saw gold
and a golden opportunity to turn cold
so how are we the turncoats
because we were always there
now they're blinded by the glare
so we're to care more about who they are
and care less about who they were
that's fine
if that's what they want
all this for a chance to shine
just because they saw gold
when all we saw was their soul
now there's a hole where their soul should be
© 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Making A Scene
Maybe what you said really healed me
or maybe it killed me instead
because it kills me to have these thoughts
these thoughts in my head
wondering if I'm dead
or just playing dead
is my body really outlined in chalk
or am I just tired of the talk
either way
the ground's where I stay
refusing to stand
unwilling to even get up
when I should demand
that I sit up
at the very least I should sit up
just to see if anyone saw me fall
or if anyone saw you shoot me down at all
because all I felt was the blast
then again it could've been the past
the past I do adore
the past that keeps coming back for more
although I showed it the door long ago
it still remains a foe
so maybe what you said really healed me
or maybe it killed me instead
then again maybe I'm not dead
which means I'm alive
and would continue to live a lie
if I continue to lie here
and act as if I didn't survive
because lying would be the worst
I'd rather drop dead first
© 2014
or maybe it killed me instead
because it kills me to have these thoughts
these thoughts in my head
wondering if I'm dead
or just playing dead
is my body really outlined in chalk
or am I just tired of the talk
either way
the ground's where I stay
refusing to stand
unwilling to even get up
when I should demand
that I sit up
at the very least I should sit up
just to see if anyone saw me fall
or if anyone saw you shoot me down at all
because all I felt was the blast
then again it could've been the past
the past I do adore
the past that keeps coming back for more
although I showed it the door long ago
it still remains a foe
so maybe what you said really healed me
or maybe it killed me instead
then again maybe I'm not dead
which means I'm alive
and would continue to live a lie
if I continue to lie here
and act as if I didn't survive
because lying would be the worst
I'd rather drop dead first
© 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
One More
Rise above that darkness you find comfort in
treat darkness like the Comfort Inn
don't stay long
stay strong through it all
even if it feels as though you've been through it all
because what if you haven't just yet
what if you never faced your fears until now
which means you've just met
and you now see what blinds you
could you escape what binds you
of course you could
just be careful not to let pride and ego define you
because they'll have you saying you're fine too
when you're really not
when really your stomach's in knots
probably from the stress
so then you take a sedative
and then another
and then another
until it gets repetitive
but you're still a mess
you've always needed help to stay down
yet this time you seem almost willing to stay down
it's very concerning
considering that fire that's still burning inside you
do you really expect the darkness to hide you
with your light being that bright
maybe there's enough in you for one more fight
unless you just like blowing smoke
just know that playing with fire is no joke
© 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
You're down
but you're not out yet
if you can just find an outlet
to let out how you feel
you'll find out how to deal
because too many try to find a vein
just so they can try to hide the pain
and you
you're outside in the rain
looking for the pain to wash away
watching the days go by
waving goodbye to your tomorrows
because it's all too much for you
but it's all up to you anyway
this isn't about your ability to cope
it's about your ability to hope
because if you're able to cope
that makes you capable of more
than just coping through a downpour
sure you're down
but you're not out
you just have to find your purpose
your calling
even if you feel like falling
© 2014
but you're not out yet
if you can just find an outlet
to let out how you feel
you'll find out how to deal
because too many try to find a vein
just so they can try to hide the pain
and you
you're outside in the rain
looking for the pain to wash away
watching the days go by
waving goodbye to your tomorrows
because it's all too much for you
but it's all up to you anyway
this isn't about your ability to cope
it's about your ability to hope
because if you're able to cope
that makes you capable of more
than just coping through a downpour
sure you're down
but you're not out
you just have to find your purpose
your calling
even if you feel like falling
© 2014
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