Sunday, May 21, 2017


The darkness was tailor-made for me
so it's only fitting that I make my return
even without a receipt
and while I'm not admitting defeat 
I've suffered a couple of losses
but no one's to blame 
who else would conceal their pain
only to reveal their shame 
not to mention their awkwardness 
how embarrassing 
I acted alone in good faith 
but that doesn't matter now 
no matter how hard I try 
I always seem to make someone cry
and since those who worry never rest 
I'm always going to care 
even when I'm not there 
but that doesn't matter now either 
not when I've abandoned you 
and so many others 
that's why I have to go back
behind the scenes 
where I cannot be seen
until I figure out how this light works

© 2017 

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