Wednesday, December 30, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Intenciones

Haz lo oído todo
el amor
la admiración
y también la crítica
todos tienen una opinión 
de qué es lo mejor para ti
tantas opiniones 
pero la verdad es 
que nadie sabe
y muy poca gente
toma el tiempo 
para entender
tus luchas 
por esa razón
es difícil confiar en alguien
cuando las intenciones
no están claras
pero si te preocupas por
las intenciones de los demás
perderás el enfoque
hay unos que te apoyan
y otros que te ven 
como una amenaza
eso es la realidad
sin embargo
no te importa 
porque vives tu vida
con la intención 
ser feliz    
y sin disculpas 
así es mejor


© 2020

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Sun Speaks

There you are
I know it's not always 
easy to see me
but every morning
I do my very best
to find you 
wherever you may be
because I need you 
more than you need me
I've been inspired
by your light 
since you were born 
even at my brightest 
my light has never been 
as bright as yours
clouds get in my way
more often than not
but no matter the obstacle
you find a way for overcome
and shine all on your own
it's been an honor
watching you shine
there's nothing like it
I help create Life
but you are Life
your light helps others
that makes you
a lightworker
I can only do so much
sharing time with the moon
the universe needs you
Love needs you

© 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

This Too

It's not easy
not even for me
knowing that
the world needs healing
and I'm a healer
sure I help others
get in shape 
but sometimes
even I struggle 
finding the motivation
when I need it most
that's why discipline 
is so important 
positive energy
having the right mindset
these things matter
more than ever
especially right now
and so I sit here
somewhat unsure
but also confident
that things will get better
I'll continue to do my part
knowing that 
the world needs healing
and I'm a healer
it's not easy
not even for me
but this too shall pass
just breathe
this too shall pass

© 2020

Thursday, December 10, 2020


At first glance
she appears calm 
but don't be fooled
there's more
look deeper 
it's in her eyes
all the ingredients
to live her life
on her own terms
in her rawest form
she said it herself
but don't be fooled
there's more
can you feel it
her energy
fighting spirit 
she's everything
you've wanted to see
in yourself
for a long time 
because like her
it's always been there
that spark
only you can ignite
she found a way
but don't be fooled
there's more
so much more 

© 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Straight Ahead

She remembers
of course she does
the scars made sure of that
but her focus is elsewhere
she's spent enough time
looking to her left
and looking to her right
for support from people
who were never there 
like that said they would be
and it blurred her vision a bit
so now she looks straight ahead
there's too much on the line
no time to waste
on those who waste time
she has two pairs of eyes 
watching her every move
they depend on her
more than anything in the world
as she does the best she can
to learn from past mistakes
her scars are still healing
but she's stronger than before
she cannot be finessed 
and she will not be denied 
because she remembers
that feeling of hopelessness 
never again though
she's been through too much 
to let anyone keep her
from seeing things clearly
that includes you

© 2020


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

For Granted

we think we 
have enough
but we don't 
not even close
so what do we do
we take it for granted 
that's what I did
now I'm alone
watching the parade
pass by 
praying it isn't real
but knowing it is
those three words
I just can't 
but I did that
taking for granted
what mattered most
and who mattered most
so what's next
is there anything left
of me
to figure that out
I need more time
we think we
have enough 
but we don't
not even close

© 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020


He wanted to get rid of me
but his mother didn't like that
my second grandmother 
what a woman she was
she knew I would be different
than what became of him
watching his own father cheat on her
and being the head of a church 
didn't help matters any I'm sure
but he still could've been better
than what he was
I just wish I never met him
for the days I cried waiting for him
maybe that was foolish of me
not only did I learn how bad
of a father he truly was 
but also how he treated the
women in his life physically 
as well as mentally 
the life of a narcissist 
seeing that was enough to know 
I didn't want to be like him
his absence did leave a void 
but the women who raised me 
filled that void by teaching me 
how to treat others
I've done everything I can
to not be like him
we share more than a name
but we're built differently
the kid in me still cries at times
he just doesn't cry for him 

© 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Being Honest

It's unavoidable
at some point in time
you have to stop running
and start being honest
that mirror will be there
waiting for you 
as you can see 
I was too embarrassed
and too disappointed 
in myself to even look
but I did look eventually
stop feeling sorry for yourself
and start being honest
is what I kept thinking
so I was honest with myself
fourteen anxiety attacks a week
isn't how I want to be defined
or how I want to live my life
I don't want to think
of myself as a failure anymore
I just want to feel worthy
and the hardest truth of all
I'm not as amazing a person
as I was in the past 
once I heard myself say that
the look on my face
spoke volumes 
what a sad truth
but the truth nonetheless
one that I needed to hear
and in order to keep growing
it's unavoidable 

© 2020

Monday, October 12, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: 31

Maybe she thinks
I don't love her anymore
or that I don't care
that's not true at all 
even though we don't
have the same relationship
we once had 
she's still my sister 
and I love her very much
I think about everything 
that's happened 
so many emotions 
but what matters most
is that she is here today
still fighting 
figuring out her life
and what's best for her kids
those ladybugs
who I miss very much
according to her 
she kept me at a distance
in order to stay in her life
that hurt me at the time 
but I understand now
I'm still here 
maybe she thinks I'm gone 
I'm where she left me
but I'm cheering her on
screaming happy birthday
to my beautiful sister 
love Tico


© 2020 


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Today

Look at this picture
I could've chosen 
any picture 
but this one 
much like today 
is special 
she's special 
that's her natural glow
by the way
it's not the Sun shining 
or any photo filters
that's all her
and if it weren't for today
she never would've 
discovered it
and we never would've
gotten the chance
to experience it
color can sometimes be
even blinding
but this is different
the energy is different
it deserves to be 
and loved
every single day 
but this day
much like this picture 
is special
for if it weren't for today
we would never know
just how amazing 
her amazing looks
or how it feels
to be in her light


© 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020


Here we go again
another failure 
I'm so tired of fighting 
look where it's gotten me
on the losing end
hurting the ones I love
and hurting myself
so many nights I cried
praying to be normal 
whatever normal is
I had a plan 
but I always have a plan
and I never tell anyone
until I'm ready to execute it
that's always my mistake
I either say the right things
at the wrong times
or I say nothing at all
now I have so much to say
the truth is painful
maybe it's what I deserve
history tells us 
those who don't learn 
are doomed to repeat it
when you learn nothing
you lose everything
so when will I learn
because it's always me
never anyone else
I'm so tired of fighting 
beating myself up so badly
that I can barely stand

© 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Memory

It's been months
since I've seen her
and it hurts 
but what hurts more
is knowing that
she won't remember
who I am to her
for twenty-five years 
she raised me
took me everywhere
and showed me
what it meant to love
but it hurts to know
I'm just a memory
she no longer has
being forgotten hurts
especially when 
you're unable to forget
that's been my entire life
with the ones I love
and it makes me sad
but I'm grateful
for the memories
grateful for the time
she gave me
it was her choice
but she made it 
her responsibility
when she didn't have to
now it's my responsibility 
to hold on to the 
memories for us both


© 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mask of the Quiet One

I've been silent
maybe for too long
even the voices in my head 
haven't had much to say
and that's saying something
but I've been listening 
oh have I been listening 
letting the rage build 
deep inside my soul
as I internalize everything
while crying myself to sleep 
just thinking about 
how everything came to be
everyone has an opinion 
on what's going on
so everybody's talking
and very few are listening
but I've been listening
oh have I been listening
trying to make sense 
out of nonsense
is senseless in and of itself
this is not the time for silence 
nor is it time for sound 
without focus
so what does that mean
tune out the noise
control your own narrative
and let yourself be heard 
I've been silent
more so than ever before
but that ends today

© 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

L.O.V.E Notes: Hana

She sits there 
that's how it 
but internally 
she struggles 
every negative 
word said
the hate 
the bullying 
the end result 
she suffered 
in solitude 
but in public 
now she's gone
and that 
bothers me


© 2020 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Skin Deep

Don't get the wrong idea
thinking you know what motivates me
or what I had to go through
just for the opportunity to get better
some days I didn't think I had it in me
motivation can take you very far
but not far enough without a plan
and if your plan is to only look good
you'll only look good until you don't
how do you know I'm now freaking out
or if I'd just put on makeup
to hide the fact that I've been crying
because I've had those moments
we've all had those moments
it's self-discipline that helps me
keep those moments in check
especially when I feel like
my progress isn't where it should be
self-discipline can take you very far
but not for enough without a plan
you can always find something wrong
looking in the mirror
which means it's easy to feel
discouraged not meeting expectations
are your expectations realistic
because I can't tell you how many times
I set myself up for failure
knowing that I'm not a failure
none of this works without a plan
one that holds you accountable
it won't always be a pretty picture
so sustainability is key

© 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Thirty 9

When I was a kid
I was never asked
what I wanted to be
no one ever took the time
to find out my interests
or teach me a skill
that I could use later in Life
no one ever read to me
or helped me to read
maybe that's why 
reading comprehension 
scores were so low
I liked basketball
abuelito taught me the basics
but I only tried to play 
so that hopefully my 
real dad cared enough
to come around 
maybe that's why 
I didn't make the team
nor did it make his team
little did that I know
I was a talented artist
with dreams of being 
a muralist like Rivera
mom wasn't a big fan though
so I got a psych degree
and a Spanish degree
with a certification
in massage therapy
maybe that's why
I never knew who to be
but I know who I am now
I'm still that same artist
just one who helps others
no matter the damage
caused by the storm
maybe that's why
I smile when I see lightning

© 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020


No one who ever know 
the ways I've helped others
over the course of my life
at least not from me
I'll never speak a word of it
recognition isn't something 
that I'm looking for 
and having an ego never 
helped me get very far
poems have been published 
words have been used as lyrics 
even some of your favorite 
quotes were written by me 
and are still shared online today
under dozens of pseudonyms
but you'll never know which ones
as it's not about being famous
I can't be the only one
who does these things in secret
maybe more people should
because some of us can't wait to 
tell people who we've helped
how much we've done
or 'I bet you didn't know 
I was responsible for' x y z
but that's not who I am
even when coming clean
meant having less drama 
with regards to my relationships
I still remained silent
took all the criticism 
all the accusations of mistrust 
the attacks on my character
everything thrown my way
because it mattered that much
not all wounds are visible
and no one will ever know
how many scars you have anyway
so it's just better to be yourself

© 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Dejando Ir

Sé que es fácil recordar
a la gente que te dejó
de hablar sin motivo
el enojo que sientes
de todas las falsas promesas
no puedes controlarlo
la decepción 
te hizo amargada
porque cuando necesitabas 
la ayuda de un amigo
o el apoyo de tu pareja
viste sus verdaderos rostros
tal vez todavía hay amargura
o quizás solo hay tristeza 
porque no sabes por qué
si buscas el cierre
mírate en el espejo
tienes que dejarlo ir
no busques explicaciones 
porque no es saludable
hicieron lo que era mejor para ellos
y tienes que hacer lo mismo
será difícil confiar en
otra persona por mucho tiempo
pero no pierdas la esperanza
tienes que creer
que vales la pena
y recordar quién eres

© 2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020


You may not believe this 
but it took a long time 
for me to be comfortable 
with my imperfections
everyone has them
others rarely ever notice them
but they're always on our minds 
people make assumptions
when they see a picture of me
or multiple pictures of me 
they think it's for attention
and maybe they're right
just not in the way they think 
because all the DMs 
the likes on social media
or even the compliments 
don't get my full attention
how I feel about myself
is what gets my full attention
and I've spent many years 
just trying to improve
so that when I take a picture 
I can see how I've grown 
or if I've regressed somehow
comfortable doesn't mean content
that's what I've learned
especially on days when 
I struggle with everyday life
these imperfections humble me 
and will make me better
you may not believe this 
but I most certainly do

© 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Érase Una Vez

Yo te envidiaba 
sé que nadie es perfecto
pero pensé que eras diferente
qué tonto yo fui
debería haber sabido mejor
escondiste bien la verdad
o tal vez
yo vi lo que quería ver
tu fachada
eras una hermosa ilusión
la forma en que me miraste
me sentí especial
yo te amé
pero no me amaste
y está bien
te deseo toda la felicidad
del mundo
si te veo de nuevo 
no te diré nada
pero nunca te olvidaré
mi hermosa ilusión


© 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social Distancing

Whether it's positive or negative
everyone seems to have an opinion 
on what's going on right now
we've all heard the noise
but while it's in me to be positive
I can't deny being a little discouraged
by all the negativity I'm hearing
so if I tell you that I'm sick
keep that same negative energy 
you had before you found out
because I don't want to be your reason 
for caring about everyone else
and everything that's going on 
don't delete those negative comments
you've made on social media
just because I can hardly breathe
and wake up with a fever every day
you said it wasn't that serious
because we've been through worse
so don't answer my messages now
when you've been ignoring them forever
I know I sound like someone's bitter ex
but I'm just scared more than anything
depression hides it well though
some people have died from this
and even though I've died before
that was before I wanted to live
when I welcomed the negativity
but I'm not that person anymore 
so if I tell you that I'm sick
I'll be keeping the same energy also
by staying far away from you 

© 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

No Hiding

It's obvious that you're hurting
you may have been able to hide
under the strobe lights 
in a crowd of people at the club
but all the clubs are closed
there's nobody around
and there are no strobe lights
there is only your light
peeking through the darkness
starving for attention
but you continue to ignore it
just like you've ignored the pain
not just the pain you've caused
but the pain you carry
I've been down this road 
that's why it's so obvious to me
you flood your social media
with positive affirmations
and relationship advice
then in the next breath
you're pandering to your followers
making light of your struggles
I did the same thing years ago
until I made a decision to grow
a decision for a healthier life
that's what I'm hoping for you
do you even want that for yourself
because you can't hide anymore
even when the club reopens 
the strobe lights come back on
and the crowds of people return
there's still no hiding from yourself

© 2020