Monday, October 2, 2017

What's Done Is Done

What did you do to them
you must have done something
for them to be so focused on you
they won't stop talking about you
every chance they get is an opportunity
to speak on you in a negative way
you think they would be tired by now
but they seem intent on stopping you
from achieving success in all that you do
they want you to lose faith in yourself
so that you simply just give up
making you much easier to control
but that's not the worst part
these are people who claim to love you
just as they were the last time
remember when they supported you
and tried to hurt you at the same time
while you were giving your best effort
that's what really hurts the most
when the people in your corner
feel threatened by your ambition
but you're trying to be a better you
so whatever that's doing to them
has nothing to do with you

© 2017

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