Monday, October 2, 2017

L.O.V.E. Notes: Wishful Thinking

You expect them to cheer for you
there's no reason why they shouldn't
and while they do cheer 
it's just not as loud as it could be
they much rather try to stop your drive
by taking the keys out of the ignition
hoping you take your foot off the gas
they also love to say you're weak
just because you suffer from anxiety
not knowing how that affects you
that's not the kind of support you want
but if you want to know the truth
anxiety always attacks the strongest
giving them the illusion of being weak
so who are the weak ones really
there's another truth you should know
it doesn't matter if they cheer
because if it isn't their loudest
then they might as well be quiet
but that's probably not going to happen


© 2017

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