Sunday, November 30, 2014


Find the truth
believe me I've tried
but it seems that everywhere I turn
access denied
nothing but lies
it's been this way since birth
and how can I know my own worth
when they lie about the prices paid
from all the sacrifices made
check the history books 
there are lies about how history looks
because really it's a history of crooks
yet they're not referred to as crooks
they're called explorers 
and while those books still sit on our shelves
we want to fight for rights we think we have
but neglect the right to think for ourselves
we scream for justice
thinking it's just us 
but we know the media hides the truth well
so how can we dislike what we're being told
then be okay with being controlled
find the truth
we better hope the truth finds us

© 2014

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