Thursday, June 19, 2014

Let Nothing Stop You (Including Yourself)

I understand if you have to go
but just to let you know
that your disappearing act
doesn't take away from the fact
that you're standing in your own way
now I know that anything I say 
you'll just believe it to be fiction 
as it could potentially cause friction between us
but have you seen us lately
it's like we're strangers now
but there's no sense in trying to figure out how
or even why that happened
I'll take the blame
just remember that we never said our goodbyes
and every time you've looked into my eyes
you knew that I had nothing to hide from you
which means I've never lied to you 
so believe me when I say 
that you're in your own way
maybe one day
you'll realize just who had your back 
and who's holding you back
then you'll be unstoppable 
instead of choosing to be an obstacle

© 2014

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