Thursday, September 30, 2021

Ya No

Cuando miro al cielo
la luna brilla
pero no estoy seguro
si brilla para mi 
no como antes
la energía es diferente
ya no me siento digno
me siento como una sombra
en presencia de la luz
solía estar entre las estrellas
qué pasó
tal vez el universo
ha perdido la fe en mi
después de todos estos años
quizás estaba equivocado
y ya no soy su favorito
he visto lo que traen 
las nubes oscuras 
he sobrevivido a sus tormentas
cada gota de lluvia
era un recuerdo de mi pasado
tantas lágrimas
casi me ahogo 
pero ya no lloro
no como antes
si la luna no me brilla
puedo esperar hasta mañana
cuando sale el sol

© 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021


I was so terrified of you
when we first met
but I couldn't look away
you had my attention
I never knew someone 
like you even existed
but there you were
I learned very quickly  
that when you speak
people listen 
you don't care if 
anyone has anything
negative to say about you
because they wouldn't dare
say it to you directly
knowing what would happen
but it doesn't matter
you trust very few people
for that very reason 
and I don't know
how I became trustworthy
but I'm grateful for you
even though there are days
when you hate it here
I love you for every single 
one of those days 
that you keep fighting 
it's okay to feel weak at times
but here you are 
still writing your story
and I'm here for it all 
not just a couple of pages

© 2021


Wednesday, September 8, 2021


I remember being mocked
for trying to rebuild 
being made to feel bad
for trying to heal
only to end up feeling worse
than when I started 
running on autopilot 
ignoring the pain
how naïve I was to think 
that I was actually okay
but I never healed 
when my brother was killed
the only thing I built 
were walls to keep me away
from anyone claiming 
to be friends
or offering friendship
I didn't trust a soul
and I could no longer ignore 
everything I was feeling
that feels like a lifetime ago 
but sometimes I wonder 
if I'm still on autopilot 
never having fully healed 
watching every opportunity
slip away faster than the next
that feeling of failure
I do remember being mocked
but now there's no one around
except the ones who 
still believe in me
thank you for that

© 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

I Would Say To Myself

Stay strong
love always
be your own hero
have the courage 
of your convictions
but know that you can
only help someone 
save themselves
purpose has a price
one you may be unable to pay
until you're ready
that's if you're ever ready
it's okay to need more time
and for once in your life
know that you are worthy
don't let anyone 
make you feel otherwise
people change every day 
that doesn't mean they grow
so when they change
make sure you grow
and keep going
it doesn't matter 
how many ghosted you 
or who wasn't there 
focus on the now 
whether you have friends 
and still feel alone 
or you're on your own
you still have you
that will be enough
because it has to be 

© 2021