Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fed Up II

I don't speak for her
but there's that look again
she's fed up with everyone
can you blame her
do you know how many times 
she's heard the same story
from different characters
with the same agenda  
this is why it's hard for her to trust
and take anyone seriously
she also remembers when 
people weren't so easily offended 
by things like who you voted for
or social media in general
all that really mattered
was what was in your heart
having that connection
and putting actions to words
things you build a foundation on
but people are exhausting
whether you show love
or a moment of indifference
you're met with hate and
accusations of lacking humanity
why do we always assume 
the worst in one another
it's disappointing for sure 
still she remains hopeful
but she won't hold her breath
waiting for others to see her light

© 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I wish I could tell you 
that it's gets easier 
as you get older 
but I can't say for sure 
you may find yourself
constantly anxious 
feeling out of place 
with little to no friends 
fighting off depression 
trying to fit in a world
you've never fit in 
while living a life 
you never asked for
I was younger than you
when I tried to end things 
but something happened 
I wish I could tell you 
mental illness goes away
after you find the 
strength to save yourself
for the first time 
but that's not the case 
you may have to keep 
saving yourself
until you realize that you
do deserve to be here
and you being here matters
only then you can begin to
live a life you only believed 
existed once it was over 

© 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Apenas te llamo por teléfono
y no nos vemos mucho
no significa que no me importas
sólo que he sido un amigo terrible
indigno de tu tiempo o energía 
pero quería dejarte este mensaje       
entiendo que luchas con depresión
y la ansiedad puede ser espantosa
todos tenemos nuestros demonios 
que no queremos compartir con nadie
porque no es justo hacerlo
así que tratamos de lucharlos solos
está bien si estás cansada de pelear 
no tienes que ser la persona
que siempre haga reír a todos
mereces sonreír más que nada
como cuando estás cantando
puedo sentir la alegría en tu alma
a veces finjo que me estás cantando
no merezco oír tu voz
quizás me siento culpable 
porque necesito ser un mejor amigo
soy capaz de hacer mejor
tal vez es bueno que no llame mucho
qué sirven las palabras 
sin las acciones que las siguen 
dejo demasiados mensajes
es mucho mejor si te muestro 

© 2020

Monday, January 6, 2020

Obvious Haiku

Once you've hit bottom,
there's only one direction 
you can really go.

© 2020

Thursday, January 2, 2020

L.O.V.E. Notes: Honestly

I've been in love with you
but I'm sure not you believe me
how can I not be
you're everything I believe in
but I can understand why
you don't trust me romantically
I accept responsibility for that
because I should've been
working on myself daily
knowing it would be worth it
from the moment I met you
I knew I needed your energy
and I knew you'd be a star
because you shine just a bright
from afar as you do up close
very few are as talented as you 
maybe I took all of that for granted
perhaps I should've went with you
to California when you asked me
or married you when you jokingly 
suggested it to me on a Tuesday
because being by your side
supporting you as you show
just how amazing you are
while achieving my own goals
seems like a no-brainer to me
you just do something to my heart
even looking at pictures of you
makes my very soul smile
so whether you're with me
or with someone else
I'm with you every step of the way
when you're in love with someone
especially when it's your friend
that's how it should be
it's been an absolute honor


© 2020