Thursday, March 7, 2019

L.O.V.E. Notes: How You Feel

Where does it come from
the feeling of not being good enough
maybe it was programmed 
into your subconscious at an early age
based on our societal views of one another
or our history as written by the winners
just so that you identify as inferior 
maybe it's self-inflicted 
that's not so hard to believe
because when you've been rejected by
those you thought would never reject you
and getting treated as if you don't matter
it takes its toll on you
especially at a young age
then as you get older
you start to believe in 
what your thoughts have been telling you
it's as easy as breathing 
yet suffocating at the same time
that's why you don't mind
when you feel nothing at all
but feeling lets you know you're still alive
so if you feel like you're not good enough
just know that you're more than enough
because you're still here
and you have so much more to do


© 2019

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