Am I good enough
that always seems to be the question
even though I've answered it already
but it's a question I only ask myself
no one would dare ask me that
or tell me that I'm not good enough
so then why do I dare to ask
or continue to bring it up
maybe I don't believe my answer
at least not as often as I should
I've always been my harshest critic
any time anyone says anything to me
I have to say it back to myself
while making it sound twice as bad
I let it consume me mentally
draining me of all my energy
if I'm always thinking the worst
how can I expect to be my best
my mindset must be everything
that I believe myself to be
so I must keep believing in myself
for my light to shine completely
but if I don't feel truly good enough
I'll always find comfort in the shadows
that I believe myself to be
so I must keep believing in myself
for my light to shine completely
but if I don't feel truly good enough
I'll always find comfort in the shadows
© 2017
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