Wednesday, December 27, 2017

L.O.V.E. Notes: Memento

I remember getting lost in your eyes
finding my way to your lips
crossing paths with your neck
in an attempt to steal your heart
only I didn't have to steal it
it was given to me
and I didn't take good care of it 
so I gave it back
thinking it was mine to give away
I couldn't have been more wrong
now it belongs to another
I'll always feel connected
but I know it's in better hands
and all I'm left with are memories 
the memories of getting lost in your eyes
finding my way to your lips
crossing paths with your neck
in an attempt to steal your heart
there will never be another like it
so make sure to keep it away from me


© 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Last Ride

I feel like an old addict
back on the road to recovery 
only the landscape has changed a bit
the road doesn't look the same 
previously I took every sign I saw as a sign
to detour around anything that made sense
so now I've chosen to pull over to the side
hoping to collect my thoughts
wondering if this is where the rest stop
and the dead end
it's not that I lack direction really
maybe I just shouldn't think negatively
not if I stand any chance at all 
because this time isn't like the last time
or the time before that
I don't want to come off as paranoid
but I think this may be my last ride
meaning it's my last chance to get it right
before there's nothing left of me
the engine's still running
so as long as I'm behind the wheel
I have what it takes to make it there
that's why it's called drive
and that's how I'll reach my destination

© 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Forever Asking

Am I good enough
that always seems to be the question 
even though I've answered it already 
but it's a question I only ask myself 
no one would dare ask me that 
or tell me that I'm not good enough 
so then why do I dare to ask 
or continue to bring it up 
maybe I don't believe my answer 
at least not as often as I should 
I've always been my harshest critic
any time anyone says anything to me 
I have to say it back to myself 
while making it sound twice as bad
I let it consume me mentally 
draining me of all my energy
if I'm always thinking the worst
how can I expect to be my best 
my mindset must be everything 
that I believe myself to be 
so I must keep believing in myself
for my light to shine completely 
but if I don't feel truly good enough
I'll always find comfort in the shadows

© 2017

Monday, December 11, 2017

No More

This sounds like a broken record
instead of our favorite song on repeat
we're supposed to make each other better
but how can we do that
when we spend so much time apologizing
letting our imperfections speak for us
rather than letting our effort tell the story
of how we were once fighters
now we're more discouraged than anything
trying our hardest not to be in the way
all while walking on eggshells
but we cannot give up hope
we cannot stop trying to grow together
no more than we can as individuals
that's what's going to make us better
we also need more conversations like this
so we can learn to communicate effectively
otherwise we'll keep acting how we act
which will create even more arguments
that could actually be avoided
if we acknowledge our differences
but learn from them accordingly 
so let's stop apologizing to one another 
and make the world sorry for doubting us

© 2017