Sunday, May 31, 2015

La Amenaza

A veces es difícil relajarme
es la razón por la que nunca me siento
cada vez que trato de ponerme cómodo
hay otro revés
así que estoy siempre listo
porque me sucedió a mí antes
no tengo miedo
pero entiendo lo que puede suceder
cómo puede suceder
y la ansiedad que trae
trato de controlarla
pero la ansiedad me controla
la sensación es tan intensa
es la amenaza de una pesadilla
y no quiero volver a vivirla de nuevo
así que empiezo a sentir pánico
pero luego me recuerdo a mí mismo
no tengo miedo
esto ha sucedido antes
y mi fe es más fuerte que mi temor
así que tengo que calmarme
pero no es mi culpa 
es la amenaza de una pesadilla 
y realmente no es la pesadilla sí misma

© 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Who's Who Haiku

Some will stick their hand
out for help from the same one
looking to be saved.

© 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Pillow Talk

Do you know what it's like
it's like wanting to change the channel
but never having the control
or when you know the truth
but you haven't told a single soul
who would believe you anyway
that's what it's like
just look at my history 
filled with so many remember me's
and other painful memories 
but here's the real unsolved mystery 
a man once comfortable in his own misery
suddenly wants to inspire
come on now
no wonder they call me a liar
even though I'm not lying
sure I feel sad sometimes 
but I'm not crying
not anymore
because see I started with my mindset 
which sets the tone
for me to get out of my comfort zone
and I haven't even finished yet
not until I'm as uncomfortable as I can get

© 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015

L.O.V.E. Notes: Child Soldier

I salute who I choose to
so since this is Memorial Day
I salute you 
child soldier
some volunteered 
believing it would secure a sable future
others were ripped from their homes
away from their families 
forced to see things
and do things
things no child should have to do
no real childhood
but still very much a child
a child that just wanted to be a child
that just wanted to live in peace
before they died in war
so since this is Memorial Day
I salute you 
child soldier
may you finally have peace
it was never your fight


© 2015


What would you do 
if your good just wasn't good enough
would you begin to have second thoughts
possibly some doubts
I mean you've had doubts before
but never have you doubted your abilities
when all you've needed was the opportunity 
but what if 
just what if 
you come up just a little bit short
when given that opportunity
as it slips right through the fingers
of those once capable hands
proving incapable of holding on to something
or someone worth holding on to 
ask yourself
what would you do
go on believing that you let everyone else down
when you really just let yourself down
because that's the real truth
so if your good just wasn't good enough
get better
and then give yourself a second chance
before giving anyone else theirs

© 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


How can I give you all of me
when that's something I've yet to see
I mean I've seen bits of brilliance 
glimpses of greatness 
even pieces of perfection
but that's just it
just a fraction
some say I'm half of who I could be
others say there's another side to me
but how can I give you all of me
when that's something I've yet to see
I'm still beautiful right 
and dare I say amazing
but to be fair I hear what you're saying
so when I say I'm trying 
I'm not lying
but when you discover a part of yourself for the first time
you don't want to give it praise
until you get it appraised 
make sure you know what it's worth
I just want to make sure I know what I'm worth
and now that I do
I still cannot give you all of me
but maybe I can give you all there is to see

© 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What's Your Sign Haiku

Peace would be a lot 
closer if we would first just
let our light shine through. 

© 2015 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

La Voluntad De Vivir

Cómo estás viva todavía
tal vez es el aire que respiras
el oxígeno
o tal vez es tu corazón
la forma en que mantiene latiendo
o tu sangre
la forma en que sigue fluyendo
yo sé lo que es
es tu cerebro
la forma en que se dice todo lo que debes hacer
no es nada más que la fisiología
pero hay algo más que falta
algo que no se puede explicar
al menos no por la ciencia
es algo dentro de ti 
pero no es algo que se puede ver
es la razón por la que luchas
se llama la voluntad
para ser más específico
la voluntad de vivir
porque sabes que hay más en esta vida
algo más que una simple existencia
necesitas la voluntad de vivir
y creo que la tengas 

© 2015

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Some Of Us

Some of us aren't trying to understand one another
if we were
we wouldn't treat one another the way we do 
claiming we love one another 
then act as if we're above one another 
not all of us 
but some of us 
whether it's girl's night out 
or hanging with the guys
it's just an opportunity to talk about one another 
when really we should be talking to one another 
but some of us aren't trying to understand one another
then we wonder why we can't stand one another 
why we barely dance with one another 
because we barely give one another a chance 
not all of us 
but some us
it's all about who can do it better 
but what if we cared to see
what we could do together 
or at least what we could do 
we could encourage one another 
challenge one another to be their strongest 
instead of seeing who's the strongest
we could unite together as one 
but some of us aren't trying to understand one another
and now we know 
why some of us go it alone 
not all of us 
but some of us 

© 2015 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

It Would've Come True

I wasted a lot of wishes as a kid
but I was just a kid
I didn't know much about wishing
only to blow out the candles
and not to tell anyone what I wished for
but if I did tell anyone what I wished for
my wish wouldn't come true
sounds simple enough
but everything's simple
especially when you're just a kid
if I knew then what I know now
because as a kid
all of my wishes came true
now there are very few candles
you have to work for everything
and wishes are just that
I never understood that before
things were much simpler then
but everything's simple
especially when you're a kid 
if I knew then what I know now
my wishes wouldn't have been wasted
I should've only wished for you

© 2015