Saturday, December 6, 2014

I'll Keep Going (Even When It Rains)

Have you ever see a man break down
and not just break down
but break down in the rain 
I thought it would wash away the pain
but it didn't 
it did however disguise my tears
something I've been trying to do for years
nevertheless I kept walking 
until I found myself talking 
to a parking lot attendant
who went from attending to the cars
to attending to my scars
it's amazing where one can find solace
and as the rain continued to pour
so did the emotion
as I spoke on my devotion towards the cause
because that's why I'm here
my purpose is still clear
but at times my hands still shake
I'm not sure how much more of this I can take
as I finally made it to my car
I realized that I parked pretty far
but nothing I went through could stop me 
I guess that means the rain will quit before I do

© 2014

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