Thursday, April 3, 2014

Who Am I?

It's not that I didn't want to
I just wanted to be protected
instead I was disrespected
by someone I expected
to respect me for who I am
who am I
sometimes I disgust myself
when I think about the times
that I let others do the same
then I blame myself
and hang my head in shame
who am I
why didn't I speak up
when they were being tough
if actions speak louder than words
figuratively speaking
I didn't speak enough
who am I
all the excuses that I gave
for why not to be brave
made me more a slave
and less of a human being
seeing less of who I am
who am I
someone tired of year after year
living in fear
that somehow my silence
is promoting violence
so no more putting up with it
I'm putting an end to it
who am I
I'm a survivor

© 2014

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