Thursday, February 14, 2019

L.O.V.E. Notes: Abuelos

When did I first learn about Love
from my grandparents
seeing my grandfather stop
on the side of the road
even after his shift was over
to help a stranger with car trouble
because it felt right for him to do
and he enjoyed working on cars
watching my grandmother
get up early in the morning
to bake cakes for people
she had never met before
only to turn down the amount of
money they wanted to give her
because she hoped that somehow
the energy she put into those cakes
would help those who ate them
they always gave the those with less
all while helping one another
become something much greater
there were no stuffed teddy bears
or boxes of chocolates 
not even a dozen roses 
there were hugs & kisses
fresh fruit on the table everyday 
and flowers from the garden
that's Love in its purest form
maybe I'm just too old-fashioned


© 2019

Saturday, February 2, 2019

All Of Us

Some of us didn't make it
I'd hoped we all would 
but I know there are times when 
your demons get the better of you
and you see only one way out
one way to end the pain
all while being judged by those
who never understood your struggle
but for those of us who remain 
we must continue fighting
giving ourselves every opportunity
to be who we were meant to be
and if we can help anyone along the way
even if it's just a conversation
that could make all the difference
in the world to someone
who feels like the world
is crumbling beneath their feet
this is how we should honor those
who are no longer with us
by helping those who are
it's not about ego
or taking credit for saving people
it's about helping those people
save themselves
because they may not realize 
what happened wasn't their fault
and they deserve to be here

© 2019