You're still trying to figure me out
I haven't even figured it all out yet
but the question is still being asked
why do I do what I do
is this really my purpose in life
or is it just another cry for help
from that lonely depressed kid
who had very few friends growing up
guardian angel
names I'm very familiar with
but in my mind I hear
I can't really control what's been said
because as people's energy changes
their perception of me changes also
maybe this has happened for you
so why do I do what I do
because it's who I am
and I chose to be who I am
that's all I've figured out so far
© 2018
Not everyone will like you
especially someone like you
someone who spends their time
trying to be a hero
when there are no more heroes
I don't know what happened
somewhere along the way
it became cool to be the victim
and if everybody's a victim
where are the heroes
but someone like you
you see through their lies
similar to a mirror
you show them their reflection
their true self exposed for all to see
and they hate you for it
because they wanted attention
from being the victim
not from who they really are
you were just trying to be a hero
but you can only help others
who want to save themselves
even if that's called being a hero
you'll always be someone's villain
© 2018
Don't be a stranger
never talk to strangers
I've heard it all before
but why should I listen
why should I pretend as if
connecting with strangers
is somehow impossible
the possibility is greater
because there's no pressure
no worrying about if I'm
letting a stranger down
or making them happy
we can just connect
even without meeting
but maybe that's what it is
the urge to see one another
growing inside of both of us
becoming too difficult to control
each day we speak
we may glance at a photo
and begin to wonder
what it would be like to meet
but having a stranger as a friend
is good enough for me
© 2018
On days like today
I question everything I'm feeling
like if the sky is really the limit
why do my hands keep hitting the ceiling
or what is it about pain
that we find so appealing
and why do we favor medication
over the powers of self-healing
so many questions
I'm going out of my mind
that's why I scream in silence
for answers I've yet to find
no one can hear me
only the universe knows
I listen to whispers in the wind
so I look forward to when it blows
my only outlet is helping people
I can't help it if I make a connection
those who've reacted negatively
have been shown their own reflection
part of me wishes I wasn't so different
why do I have to be this way
but I still question what it is to be normal
especially on days like today
© 2018