Friday, March 31, 2017

L.O.V.E. Notes: Touch

It's been so long
and to think
I almost forgot what it felt like
but how could I forget
what my mind has not
countless memories
one after another
like a neverending dream
even after all this time
nothing's changed
eyes shut
head tilted back
it's as if I'm free falling
heart pounding
muscles contracting
breathing deeper 
and deeper each time 
I try to remain calm
but why should I
when it's everything I want
and to think
I almost forgot what it felt like
but how could I forget
what my body has not


© 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


That's what she needed
how can anyone blame her
with this world the way it is
she knows it's not all bad
but it sure looks bad
and the people
what happened to the people
some turned on her
they probably felt neglected
others took to hiding 
unsure of how to help
a few stayed behind
offering love over everything
she was already gone by then
leaving everyone
to find herself 
and her place in this world
if she returns
she won't be the same
no matter what anyone says
we'll all have to let her be

Ⓒ 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


No tenemos mucho tiempo
con cada respiro
este mundo se pone más frío
la humanidad apenas existe
esperamos que sólo sea un chiste
pero no oímos risas
no oímos nada
menos los sonidos del silencio
queremos regresar al principio
pero estamos más cerca del final
no tenemos mucho tiempo 
lo que sea que vamos a hacer
debemos hacerlo ahora
si queremos que nuestra luz brille
cada paso significa algo 
así que no podemos dar pasos atrás 
o quedarnos quietos como los demás
no tenemos mucho tiempo
debemos seguir adelante
y mostrar que tenemos el aguante
porque llevamos una carga pesada
una gran responsibilidad 
quizáĸs el tiempo no es nuestro amigo
pero también no es nuestro enemigo

Ⓒ 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Por Tu Cuenta

Nunca escuchas a nadie
cuando te dicen que vayas a la derecha
sigues a la izquierda
tal vez eso es algo bueno
porque la gente te ha mentido antes
y tratará de hacerlo otra vez
esperando que les creyeres
y la gente que te dice la verdad
no siempre tiene las mejores intenciones
así que tienes que tener cuidado
pero ya sabes todo esto
quizás es la razón por la que no escuchas
debes saber la diferencia
entre alguien que quiere que falles
y alguien que se preocupa por ti
incluso si no hablas mucho con ellos
estás por tu cuenta
no puedes perder el foco
porque una persona sin foco
es una persona llena de excusas
no tienes tiempo para excusas
estás muy agradecida por el apoyo
pero con tantos obstacúlos en tu camino
no hay espacio para el fracaso

© 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Where There's Smoke

You have fire in your soul
and it's there for one reason 
because you're destined for greatness
you've known that from day one
that's why they've been trying to stop you
ever since you started dreaming
they even take credit for your nightmares 
but the jealous rants of a bitter person
displaying disingenuous encouragement 
as a means of masking their own shame
could never do anything to stop you 
although they can get under your skin
they'll never be able to extinguish the fire 
it's spreading so quickly 
that not even you can contain it 
and why would you want to 
it's what drives you to be successful 
rather than drowning in past failures
but you know they'll keep trying
reminding you of those past failures 
every chance they get 
just continue your path to greatness 
and if they keep playing with fire 
they'll burn in your light 

© 2017